All About 123Movies
123movies is one of the best websites to watch movies online for free without downloading. Many websites available out there to stream media online but not all of them are free. Instead of using them, you can use our 123Movies new site to watch the latest full-length movies online for free. Another good thing about our 123Movie website is that you can also watch TV series and TV shows online on it. We are not launched recently and millions of people are using our website for online movies and TV streaming. You don't have to create an account on our website to use it as it can be used by anyone from all over the world without any restrictions.
Regular Updated Database - 123 Movies
Millions of people are using our website for online movie streaming and that is why we keep our database updated with the latest released movies, shows, and series. You will find all types of content on our website for online streaming and if you are not able to find that then wait for a few days to get it uploaded. Don't forget to bookmark our website and visit it daily to find something new to watch every day. Also, we have also started adding regional movies and shows that can be watched by people from all over the world. So in case you are looking for regional websites to watch movies online, even then you can use our website. So keep visiting our website to watch free movies on 123movies new site.
Clean Interface & Easy To Use
Our 123Movie website has got a very clean and easy to use interface that makes it easier for everyone to use it. We have customized the layout of your website and made is responsive so you can use it even on mobile devices. It doesn't matter where you are from and what kind of content you are looking for, you can always use our 123 Movies website to watch them online. A search box is available on the menu bar that can be used to search for specific movies or TV shows for online streaming. Also, you can visit the Movies, TV Shows or Home section to find out the latest uploaded movies and series. If you are not able to find something on our 123 Movies website, then you can also request us to upload that.
Beware of Fake 123Movies Free Websites
There are many websites with a similar name and domain are available out there over the internet. So beware of the fake 123movies free websites that might try to steal your personal and banking information. You don't have to download any tool or software to use 123movie as we are available only via the website. Always look at the extension of the domain name and re-read it before visiting any movie or shows page for streaming. If you are asked to enter some information or download a plugin or extension for your browser, then leave that site right away.
You can watch free movies online by using our website and if you find some fake websites that you can report it to us so we can take it down. Some users might be asked to verify their identity since we are getting a lot of bots and spam traffic. So if you are asked to submit some information, don't hesitate to submit it because we DON'T SAVE ANY DATA on our servers. Once you get yourself verified, you can start using our website and no further action will be needed from your website. This is a one-time verification and it is necessary to protect our website from thefts and fake traffic.
How To Watch Free Movies On 123Movies
Using sites like 123Movies is very easy and you can easily find out the titles to watch. Since everything is available on the home page, you won't have to navigate around much to find something to watch. There are many sites like Movies123 available out there that have got a very similar interface as us and you can enjoy the same features on them as well. Though it is not necessary but if you want then you can create an account on our website to enjoy some advanced features like creating a playlist, pausing/resuming movies & shows, giving ratings, leaving comments and many more. Below we have mentioned the steps to find the titles and start watching them.
•Navigate to home, movies or TV shows page.
•Click on the title you want to watch.
•Select either Stream In HD or Download the media.
•You may select a server from the available list.
•Wait till the media player loads your content.
•Your stream will start right away.
Final Touch
Since you are looking for free movie streaming sites, we recommend you to try using our 123 Movie website to watch movies and TV shows online. We are free and will always be, so don't worry about anything while using our website. Also, we will not ask you for the payments and don't forget the URL of our website. There are many websites out there that are using our name and providing similar services but asking users to pay for them. If you are facing any issues while streaming movies online using our website, then you can ask us for help. Keep visiting 123 free movies site to watch latest movies and series online without downloading from our website.